Thursday 29 March 2018

Thursday March 29th, 2018- Autism Awareness Day

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Agendas/Morning Meeting 
Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.
Language: We did our spelling test!

Math: Today we reviewed math concepts.

Silent Dance!

For the students who did not attend the dance, they continued to research their wonders. 


Language: We continued to research our wonders on the tablets.

Homework and Important Reminders:  



Wednesday 28 March 2018

Wedensday March 28th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Agendas/Morning Meeting 

Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.
Language: We  continued to talk about wonders questions.
Some of us are working on the questions still and some are working on research on the tablets. I encouraged everyone to research other wonders at home!

Math: Today we reviewed math concepts.

UOI: Today we did centers on for concepts: friction, gravity, buoyancy and muscular force. They alternated around and figured out what the concepts were and how they worked! They did so well!

Friction: Slowing down an object when one object rubs against a surface. More friction=slow motion
Gravity: What goes up must come down. Heavier objects drop faster because they have a larger mass.
Buoyancy: Whether an object sinks or floats. Objects with denser materials sink and lighter materials float.
Muscular force: Force that is created through the use of muscles. You use more muscular force to pick up heavier objects. When you use muscular force against a squishy object, it changes shape.

Homework and Important Reminders: 

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Tuesday March 27th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Agendas/Morning Meeting 

Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.
Language: We  continued to talk about wonders, ethical and social justice questions. We brainstormed some ethical questions and I was so impressed with the questions that the students came up with. Such higher level thinking.

 We then choose one topic and the students had to develop supporting questions that would help them research the chosen topic.
As an individual task, each child had to write down a wonder and 2 supporting questions.

Math: Today
we started by reviewing what we learned previously and taking up last night's homework. Next we started moving onto adding and subtracting money. The students were all very confident in this task so we reviewed the key words in subtraction and addition word problems. We did a few practice questions on the board. The students individually worked on a worksheet and textbook questions.


UOI: We talked about push and pull forces! We watched a video that explained how these forces worked and then went on a push and pull classroom scavenger hunt.

 Homework and Important Reminders:

- Reading and RAZ Kids for 25 minutes
- Spelling Lesson 23 due Thursday
- Spelling Quiz Thursday
- Casual Day/ Bake Sale tomorrow
- Silent Dance Forms and Money Due tomorrow
-Autism Awareness and Silent Dance Thursday (Wear Blue on Thursday)
- Math worksheet on adding and subtracting money
- Math Review due Thursday
- Math Quiz April 3rd
- No School on Friday and Monday


Monday 26 March 2018

Important Updates!

**Please note that tomorrow is sibling picture day. Please ensure students are in their full dress uniform.**

A note from Oakwood – On Friday, March 29, Oakwood Academy will be holding A Silent Dance. A ‘Silent Dance’ is a dance in which students are given individual headphones where they can listen to various types of music while controlling the volume.  This dance is an amazing way to foster inclusion and provide an opportunity for everyone to participate in a school dance. It provides a sensory friendly environment for all students at both Oakwood and St. Jude’s.  Admission to the dance will be $15.00 cash and this will include a drink.
Upcoming Dates & Events
Wednesday, March 28 – Casual Day
Thursday, March 29 – Autism Awareness Day – wear blue & April hot lunch due –payments due Friday, April 6
Friday, March 30-Monday, April 2 – Easter Weekend – No School
Tuesday, April 3 – Easter Spirit Day – wear your Easter colours
Wednesday, April 4 – Summer uniforms begin
Thursday, April 5 – Student-Led Conferences
Monday, April 16-Friday, April 20 – Spring Fundraiser

Lesson 23 Spelling Words

Grade 3:
Grade 4:

Monday March 26th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Agendas/Morning Meeting 

Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.

Language: We talked about developing wonders. We discussed how to formulate good questions that gets people to think deeply about the answer. We talked about what the word ethical means and social justice. We completed an activity about developing questions based on a picture. The students really enjoyed thinking critically and being open-minded.


Math: Today we reviewed concepts that we learned before the march break. Then, we talked about subtracting fractions. We remembered that we had to line up the decimal point and make sure that if there are any empty spaces to fill it in with zeros. We also remember how to borrow from our neighbors when it comes to subtraction questions.

Music: Please check Mr. Oliver's blog for more detail. 


UOI: We started our new UOI on Forces and Motions. We made a chart about what we know and what we wonder. We watched a video that explained the concepts in-depth. We created balloon shooters to describe the concept of pushing force.

 Homework and Important Reminders: