Wednesday 28 March 2018

Wedensday March 28th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Agendas/Morning Meeting 

Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.
Language: We  continued to talk about wonders questions.
Some of us are working on the questions still and some are working on research on the tablets. I encouraged everyone to research other wonders at home!

Math: Today we reviewed math concepts.

UOI: Today we did centers on for concepts: friction, gravity, buoyancy and muscular force. They alternated around and figured out what the concepts were and how they worked! They did so well!

Friction: Slowing down an object when one object rubs against a surface. More friction=slow motion
Gravity: What goes up must come down. Heavier objects drop faster because they have a larger mass.
Buoyancy: Whether an object sinks or floats. Objects with denser materials sink and lighter materials float.
Muscular force: Force that is created through the use of muscles. You use more muscular force to pick up heavier objects. When you use muscular force against a squishy object, it changes shape.

Homework and Important Reminders: 

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