Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Wednesday June 13th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

Our Reflective Winner:

Today was our house cup! Team KAPPA won!

We enjoyed our Year-End Party! We played games, jumped on bouncy castles, got our faces painted and more! What a fun day!


TOMORROW IS SOCCER JERSEY SPIRIT DAY! You can wear any soccer jerseys or shirts that have countries on them!

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Tuesday June 12th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Showcase: Mr. Foster's class came and asked us a lot of questions about our plants.

Gym:Please see Mr.B's blog for more information.

Language: We did a reflection for our UOI. Once it was complete we placed it into our IB Binders. Then the students worked on a character development worksheet based on their novel study.


Grade 6 Presentation: Jarniko came to our class to present a topic for his summative.

Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more detail.

Classroom Clean Out: We finished cleaning out our classrooms!  


Grade 6 Presentation: Jarniko came back to our class and did a fun activity with them.

Homework and Important Updates:

Monday, 11 June 2018

Monday June 11th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Agendas and Morning Meeting 

Gym:Please see Mr.B's blog for more information.

Language: We did some spelling and a secret writing activity!


Math: We did some review from the textbook.

IB Binders: We cleaned out our classroom and updated our IB Binders.


UOI: We had our showcase! Thank you to everyone who attended it was a great success. The Grade 3s loved showing off their plants.

It was Sachi's last day today! Have a great vacation and see you in September!!!

Homework and Updates:

Friday, 8 June 2018

Friday June 8th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Ms. Downey worked on their reflections today because Mme. Stella was absent.

Agendas and Morning Meeting 

Gym:Since Mr. B was not here today, Ms. Parker took the class outside to play some activities.

Language: We completed our Spelling Test for Lesson 33.


Classroom Clean Out: We started cleaning out our classrooms! We will continue that on Monday!

UOI: We continued to work on our summatives.


UOI: We continued to work on our summatives. If completed they worked on math textbook questions.

Homework and Important Updates:

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Thursday June 7th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Agendas and Morning Meeting 

Gym:Since Mr. B was not here today we went out for some free activity time.

Language/UOI: We worked on our summative packages.


We continued Language and UOI for another hour.

Math: Today we started by talking about predictions which are educated guesses based on what we already know. We did several examples together and talked about how you can see how much of each outcome there is in order to determine your prediction. For example, if red takes up 50% of the spinner and blue takes up 25% and yellow takes up 25% and you do 20 spins, then I would guess 10 spins red, 5 blue and 5 yellow. We did two probability experiments as a class and then did a worksheet and some textbook questions with spinners.


We continued to work on math.

Homework and Important Updates: