Thursday, 3 October 2019

Thursday October 3rd, 2019

Here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Math:  We learned many new multiplication vocabulary terms today. We practiced using these terms to describe multiplication facts. Please use these terms at home as well when they are doing homework.

Our focus today was on fact with 0, 1 and 9. We learned that any factor multiplied by 0 the product will always be ZERO. We learned that when multiplying 1s, the product will always be the other factor. (Kind of like 1 is a mirror) We looked at some fun multiplication tricks when multiplying by 9. Here is a great video on how to do the hand trick I taught them:

Here is another trick I taught them:

We practiced with some worksheets and did an amazing job! We also did our first five minute drill and everyone did a fantastic job!!


UOI: We started our formulating questions process for our summative! We practiced using a Q-chart as a class and then broke off into groups to work on formulating questions based on our wonders. We will continue to work on these tomorrow.

French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.


Gym: Please check Ms. Vasconcelos' blog for more detail.


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