Here is what we did today:
Happy Birthday to our students born in September!
Inquiry into Language: We read chapter 7, "The Sugar Snow" as a class. Once completed, students worked on a summary of the chapter in the same format as the DRAs. We discussed how it needs to be in their own words, only include the important events and details and have no direct quotes from the story.
Inquiry into Math: Today we started our Multiplication and Division unit!! We started with a review on different ways to display multiplication. We did some examples of how to use arrays, pictures, numbers lines and repeated addition.
Our main focus was on using arrays! We
learned that an array displays a multiplication sentence using rows and
columns. The formula is: # of rows x # of columns = the total # of
counters. We did many examples to example the importance of following
the formula and how it could mean a completely different array if you
place the numbers improperly.
We also practiced reading a multiplication table and skip counting. We played "Count
up!" This games allows them to practice their multiplication times
table by using skip counting. They take turns and have to count up to a particular number. When
it lands on that number that person is out! We did a fantastic job at skip counting. They worked on their workbooks and if completed they started their homework worksheets.
UOI: We did a fun Pack Your Wagon activity!! Everyone was in different groups (acting as Early Settlers) and had to decide together what items they were going to pack in order to survive their long 5 month journey to their new home!
French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.
Gym: Please check Ms. Vasconcelos' blog for more detail.
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