Monday, 3 February 2020

Monday February 3rd, 2020

Here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Language: Friends who were away on Friday presented their speech today. Great job, Grade 3s!

We then went on to reading chapter 12 of our novel study! We completed a visualization activity, where they were given a section of the novel and they had to become the illustrator and draw a picture to represent that section of the book.

UOI:  Finally our very last group completed their debate! Look at their serious debate faces! Great job, Grade 3s!

As a class, we took turns reading about push and pull forces such as friction, gravity, buoyancy, magnetic, static electricity and muscular force. We sorted them in a Venn diagram.


Inquiry into Math: Today we learned about fractions of a set. We loved this lesson! This talks about the fraction of a set of numbers that we want to represent. They learned about two method to show their work for fractions of a set. With pictures and using division then multiplication.

We did many examples together as a class, they were able to practice using the whiteboards and then they were able to work on their textbook and workbook homework.

French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.


Gym: Please check Ms. Vasconcelos' blog for more detail.

Here the link to their dance routine they are practicing:


Dear SJA Lower School (JK to Grade 6) Families,

An annual event in the Lower School is our highly anticipated Year-Ahead Day. Students look forward to this fun tradition at St. Jude’s Academy where they get to skip ahead and spend the day in the next grade. Teachers will let students know who their Year-Ahead Day teacher is at the end of day on Friday, February 7, 2020. 
Please note that the placement for this day does not indicate class placement for the following school year.

The SJA Lower School Team

Lesson 20 List Words:

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