Wednesday 19 February 2020

Wednesday February 19th, 2020

Here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Math: We took up yesterday's homework and reviewed using a place value chart to compare and order decimals.

Our lesson today was on adding and subtracting decimals! The most important part is to: LINE UP THE DECIMAL! We need to make sure all the numbers are lined up neatly in order to have the correct answer in the end. We reviewed how to carry over numbers for additions and borrowing for subtraction.

Inquiry into Language: Today we learned how to brainstorm for a narrative! We watched 3 videos:

We completed a brainstorm together as a class and then in groups they completed a brainstorm graphic organizer!


UOI: Today we learned about safety devices. Safety devices are used to protect us from the effects of forces. An example is a seat belt in a car, this is a safety device as it keeps your body safe in the car when it suddenly stops. We looked at pictures and brainstormed together other devices to complete the chart.

French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.


Gym: Please check Ms. Vasconcelos' blog for more detail.



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