Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Tuesday November 14th, 2017

Here is what we did today!

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Agendas/Morning Meeting

Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.

We had our lockdown drill today! Everyone did so well during the drill! I was so proud of how composed every single student was.

Language:  As a class we discussed all the main events that took place in the chapter that they read last night for homework. Everyone loved the chapter, Harvest! We wrote and spoke about each event and made connections to it. As an activity each student had to write a reflection paragraph about how the chapter was like the story of the boy who cried wolf.


Math:. Today we multiplying by 8s! We working together to figure out the multiples of number. We played "Circle up" to practice our multiples of 8 and did a worksheet in class. 


UOI: Today we
learned about how different school was in the pioneer time. We divided in groups and had to write two facts about each topic relating to the pioneer school life. Every 7-10 minutes they rotated to another topic. At the end, the students had to discuss with each other which fact they found the most interesting.


We discussed their upcoming summative on "A Day In The Life Of A Pioneer!" The first part is due Friday November 17th, 2017. Please have the form returns on that day!

A note on parking - Please do not park or stop in the handicap spots, unless you have a permit. Please pass this message to anyone who may pick up your children. Those spots are reserved for our families who need them. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 

For Homework:
Read for 25 minutes or RAZ KIDS! Complete Reading Log
Spelling Lesson 10 due Thursday

Spelling Test on Friday
Math Multiplying by 8s Worksheets

Multiplication Test on Thursday


Please sign and return the Black Creek Pioneer Village form for November 24th! We already have our two parent volunteers, thank you so much everyone!

Picture Retake day is Friday November 17th!  

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