Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Wednesday November 8th, 2017

Here is what we did today!

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Agendas/Morning Meeting

Language: Today we worked on writing instructions that we were having trouble with yesterday. We wrote out instructions together on how to make a salad. We realized we had a be specific and descriptive with our wording, include transition words and bossy verbs, number each sentence and include one step at a time.  Otherwise steps like, "Grab a bowl" could be misunderstood.. Which bowl? From where? We want to add all those extra details to bump up their work.

Next we wrote instructions for how to put on a coat in partners. Here is some pictures of them trying to figure out the steps. They realized they kept missing steps as other groups showed them what their instructions said! They had a lot of fun!

War Memorabilia: We went to a presentation on artifacts from previous wars. They learned about what they went through, what they used and what they wore. Here are some pictures!



Music: Please see Mr. Oliver's blog for more information.

Math: We started off talking about a strategy to multiply larger numbers. First we break down one of the bigger numbers in the multiplication sentence by finding two numbers that add together to make one of those numbers. Next multiply each number by the second number in the original multiplication sentence. Repeat for the second number that adds to the large number. Add together the products. This is your final answer. We did some questions together and worked out some questions on the board. The strategies we worked on was when multiplying by 4 using doubles, when multiplying by 6 using known facts and when multiplying by 7 using facts with 5 and 2.


UOI: Today we had a two part UOI lesson. Our first lesson was on trading. In the pioneer times they did not have money to pay for items so they had to trade. So we practiced trading today. Each student was given some cards that had different items on them: clothing, tools, pots and pans, medicine, lumber, fruits and vegetables and meat. We talked about how some items were more important than others so they were worth more points. They were trying to get the most points and items that would keep them alive. They learned that it wasn't easy to trade and sometimes people didn't want to trade with you so you had to find other methods. They had a lot of fun.

Our second lesson was on butter! They didn't have butter in containers from the store so today we were pioneers and saw how hard it was! We put some whipping cream in a mason jar and shook it for a long time! Then we ate some butter on crackers!

Here is the recipe of how we did it if you would like to do it as well:

We had such a fun day today! There was many different things going on in the school!

For Homework:
Read for 25 minutes or RAZ KIDS! Complete Reading Log
Math Multiplication StrategiesWorksheets
Spelling Lesson 9 Due Tomorrow
Spelling Test Tomorrow


Please sign and return the Black Creek Pioneer Village form for November 24th! We already have our two parent volunteers, thank you so much everyone!

Friday November 10th is a PD Day! There will be no school!

World Kindness Day is on Monday November 13th! We are raising money for Oakwood! If you bring in a toonie you will be able to write a kindness letter to whomever you want and dress in casual wear on Monday! So far our class has raised $21!!!

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