We reviewed math concepts from yesterday, worked on some textbook questions and then silently read.
Track and Field was cancelled and moved to tomorrow due to rain.
UOI: Today we learned about logos and slogans. We did a fun group activity to see which group could identify the most logos and slogans. As a closing activity, the students where given made-up companies and products and they had to design logos and slogans to match.
Inquiry into Math: Today we learned about Area! We learned how to count the squares inside the shape to find the area. When a shape is irregular that is a method to find the square units. Then we learned that when it is a rectangle or square (regular shapes) when can multiply the length and width to find the area. We did some examples as a class and then did some practice textbook questions.
Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail. http://sjaayustin.blogspot.com
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