Wednesday 28 February 2018

Wednesday February 28th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.
Agendas/Morning Meeting

Language: We continued our novel study, “Heidi.” We read chapters 14 and 15 together. We made a lot of inferences about what could happen next in the book or how the characters are feeling. 
Math: Today we learned about improper fractions. To get this lesson started we reviewed mixed fractions and we discussed what an improper fraction could be. We learned that mixed number fractions and improper fraction are like twins that do not look the same. The denominator doesn't change and they represent the same things but the numerator and whole number makes them different. We used the cardboard pizza to practice improper fractions. Next, we learned how to convert a mixed number fraction to an improper fraction (steps in picture below). We did many examples together, then each student completed a worksheet and we took it up as a class. Next, we learned how to convert an improper fraction to a mixed number fraction (steps in picture below). This was a little tricky so we did many examples together and also completed a worksheet independently. We took up the answers as a class and I am very proud of all their hard work today!

Here is a youtube video that could help you with improper to mixed fractons:

Music: We did a sound scape with Ms. Ross' class.  Here is a link to our video:


UOI: We started working on our summatives!
Homework and Important Reminders:
 Please be at the school tomorrow for 8:30am as the bus leaves at 9am sharp. Bring disposable lunches and be in uniform as well!

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