Friday, 13 September 2019

Friday September 13th, 2019

Here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Language: We did our first spelling test!! Once completed, the students worked on their novel study questions for chapters 1 and 2. We practiced using dictionaries to find unknown words!

Terry Fox Run: We had a lot of fun running for Terry!


UOI: Today we read two journals from the past. One journal from a little Wendat boy named Hania and a little Early Settlers girl named Penelope. We spoke about the relationship between the two communities and how they influenced/impacted each other. We answered some reflection questions about what we discussed today.

French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.


Inquiry into Math: We started the lesson with a review of rounding. Once again, we used the white boards to answer the questions! Our lesson today was on comparing and ordering numbers. We did examples of how to use the symbols. Remember that alligator always wants to eat the bigger number. Also, if the numbers are the same we use the = (equal to) symbol.  Remember: Number ___ Number

We then learned about how to use place value in order to help us put numbers in order from least to greatest or greatest to least. We placed our numbers in a chart and started in the thousands column to compare the numbers. Which one was the greatest number? The biggest digit in the thousands column equals the biggest number. If the digits are identical then you must look to the next column to compare.


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