Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Wednesday September 18th, 2019

Here is what we did today:

Music: Please see Ms. McMillian's blog for more detail.

UOI: We explored stories from the Cree tribe. We read Mwâkwa: Talks to the Loon. It is a beautiful story about not taking things for granted and respecting the world around us. We discussed the meaning of the book together and the importance of nature to the Indigenous culture.

Then we listened to a story called "The Drum Calls Softly." It is all about the importance of music, dance and celebration to the Indigenous people. Here is a link of the read aloud:

Then, we worked on some reflection questions.


Inquiry into Math: Today we learned about Friendly Numbers. These numbers are multiples or 10, 100 and 1000. We did many examples together.

For Friendly Numbers, look at the numbers you have and which one is closer to a multiple of 100?
Ex. 213 + 472
213 minus 13 is 200
So 200 is our Friendly Number

Now add the Friendly Number to your other number.
Ex. 200 + 472 = 672

From that sum now add back what you subtracted (**Note if they did addition in the first step it would be subtraction in this step-- both would give you the same result!)
Ex. 672 + 13 = 685

These are the steps for "Friendly Numbers":

Then we learned about Adding On! The steps are much easier and uses expanded form. Here is a picture of the steps:

We did multiple examples together before moving on to our workbook.

French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.


Continued Inquiry into Math: We continued to work on our homework.

Reading Buddies with Mr. Foster: We had a lot of fun again with our Grade 1 friends!


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