Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Tuesday September 24th, 2019

Here is what we did today:

Music: Please see Ms. McMillian's blog for more detail.

Inquiry into Language: We read chapter 5 of our novel study! We really learned a lot about how the times have changed especially in regards to playing and children's behaviour. It was eye-opening for the class.


UOI: We explored school houses and school teacher! This was such great discussion for the class. They were so interested in how different schools and teachers were. We watched some videos and enjoyed our popcorn in the meanwhile! We then worked on some worksheets.

Here are the links:
School-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGSlypZznQg&feature=youtu.be
Teacher-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2iGYqSWHuo&feature=youtu.be

Fall Fundraiser Assembly: Congratulations Dylan!

French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.


Inquiry into Math: Today we learned about subtraction with 3 and 4 digit numbers! We did many examples on the board about borrowing numbers from our neighbor columns.
For example:
Subtract the ones:
Work for 834-159...  Subtracting the ones
Next, we do the tens stripe...  Remember that the 3 is crossed out, so ignore it!  We can't do 2-5, so we'll need to borrow from the hundreds stripe!
Work for 834-159...  Take a chunk of hundred off the 8... Put it with the 2 in the hundreds stripe... 10+2=12
Now, we can subtract the tens stripe... and the hundreds stripe:

Work for 834-159... Subtracting the tens
Work for 834-159...  Subtracting the hundreds

So, 834-159=675
They also learned how to check their subtraction by using addition!! You take the difference (the answer from the subtraction question) and add it to the smaller number... if it equals the bigger number then you did your subtraction correctly!


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