Here is what we did today:
We watched a video in assembly about Terry Fox!
Music: Please see Ms. McMillian's blog for more detail.
Inquiry into Math: Today we used mini whiteboard to review rounding to the nearest 10s. They loved it so much! We will definitely continue to do this.
We followed the same steps as yesterday for rounding to the nearest 100 and 1000. Remember that if a digit is infront of your underlined digit you do not need to change it! (Ex. Rounding to the nearest 100 with the number 2345 -- 2345 --> 2300) To help us with this each of us has the rounding roller coaster and number line in our binders.
It's very important that we read and remember what we are ROUNDING to.
During class some of us forgot that we had to round to the nearest 10
and began rounding to the nearest 100. We need to ensure we read the
instructions at the top of our page. Highlighting this helped us
remember what we were rounding to.
We worked on solving word problems with rounding. We did 2 questions together and they completed the rest on their own.
Inquiry into Language: We continued to read our novel study, Little House in the Big Woods. The students took turns reading sections of chapter 1 and 2. We really enjoyed the retell of Pa, Mary and Laura's game called "Mad Dog."
French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.
UOI: As a class, we read the journal entry of Mary-Ellen. It described many ways the First Nations people helped the Early Settlers. We had many questions and discussed if it would have been possible for them to survive without the help of the First Nations. Next, we worked on procedural writing! We used the journal entry of Mary-Ellen to write how to make a Pemmican. We brainstorm transition words and read through the steps of how to make the pemmican and wrote it out together.
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