Thursday, 28 February 2019

Thursday February 28th, 2019- ANTI-BULLYING DAY

Here is what we did today:

Anti-Bullying Day Assembly- I had the pleasure of leading the assembly with Ms. Hughes-Smith! We did some fantastic activities together!

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.

Music: Please see Mrs. McMillan's blog for more detail.

Inquiry into Language:Today we continued to read our novel study, "Heidi" by Johanna Spyri. We read as a class chapters 13 and 14. The students answered the comprehension questions as a follow up activity.


Inquiry into Math: Today we learned about language we use to describe probability and how to identify outcomes. We had a lot of fun learning about what is probability. Probability is the likelihood of something happening. An outcome is one of the possible results in a probability experiment. We learned that we represent probability with fractions or in words. Ex. 2/6 or 2 out of 6. We made a probability line and discussed where events fall on the line. Ex. The likelihood your bed will be chocolate-- Impossible! We did some examples together and then worked independently.

UOI: We reviewed the different communities we learned this week.


Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Wednesday February 27th, 2019

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.

Library: We finally were able to visit the library!

Inquiry into Math: We completed our Probability pre-assessment!


UOI: Today we talked about farming, mining and forestry communities. We read as a class 3 books and summarized the important information about each community. 

Inquiry into Language: We continued to read our novel study, "Heidi" by Johanna Spyri. We read chapters 11 to 12 together and the students answered some comprehension questions as a follow up activity. We did a very fun visualization activity with a paragraph from chapter 12. I made the students close their eyes and picture it in their heads. They then drew out those pictures!


We did our agendas and played GoNoodle and Pokemon Yoga!


Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Tuesday February 26th, 2019

Here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Math: We completed our Measurement Post Assessment.


Poets in the School: We had a poetry writing workshop! It was a fantastic experience, we learned all about writing a Haiku! We read, wrote and presented our haiku.
