French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.
Music: Please see Mrs. McMillan's blog for more detail.
Inquiry into Language: Today we started our novel study, "Heidi" by Johanna Spyri. We read chapter one and two together and the students answered some comprehension questions as a follow up activity. So far they are very interested in the life of the main character, Heidi and the Alm-Uncle.
Inquiry into Math: Today we learned about mass and capacity! We learned that 1000mL = 1L and that 1000 g= 1 kg. We learned about comparing and describing mass and capacity with different objects as well. For example: a mug would be measured in millilitres because it doesn't hold as much liquid than our 1L glue jug.
We practiced converting between the smaller unit of measure and larger unit of measure. We learned the trick about how to move the decimal point when converting.
UOI: Today we explored the 3 Ontario Landform Regions. We coloured a map together to distinguish the three regions: The Canadian Shield, The Great Lakes and The Hudson Bay Lowlands. As a class, we took turns reading parts of an article about each region. Once that was complete, we worked on a cut and paste activity about occupations you would find in each region.
Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail.
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