Thursday, 1 November 2018

Thursday November 1st, 2018

Can you believe it is already November!? Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.
Inquiry into Math: We reviewed the concepts we have focusing on. For example: 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication and arrays. We caught up on any homework that was undone. We had a mini pop quiz today on multiplication. I was very impressed with how the students took their time and read the questions carefully. These are the anchor charts that are displayed in the classroom. Please keep practicing their multiplication tables!


UOI: Today we started the lesson with learning the difference between a balanced force and an unbalanced force. A balanced force is when the pull of gravity is equal to the push of the opposing force. An unbalanced force is when the pull of gravity is greater than the opposing force causing them to be unequal. Once we completed that worksheet, we looked at the difference between forces that need contact and forces that do not need contact. We discussed with our elbow partners and created a chart together as a class.
Finally, to wrap up our lesson we learned about MAGNETIC FORCE. We started the lesson by watching a video. Here is the link to the video:
Then we completed a fill in the blank sheet that related to what we just learned. We also drew a picture to show the difference between poles repelling and attracting. To wrap up the lesson, we went on a hunt around the school to look for objects that are magnetic and non-magnetic. 

Those who completed this task early worked on their Forces Dictionary and studied it for the upcoming quiz.


Ms. Yustin took the Grade 3s to work on their summatives because we missed yesterday. Please prepare for gym tomorrow as well!


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