Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Wednesday November 21st, 2018

Here is what we did today:

UOI: We had extra time today to work on our summatives because French was cancelled.


Inquiry into Math: Today we learned about reading pictographs and bar graphs. We started the lesson with an activity that compared a pictograph and a bar graph that were representing the same data. We learned that graphs can look different but display the same data. We continued the lesson by learning important vocabulary needed for this unit. We did some examples on the board and asked them to find the answer on graphs in their textbooks.

We worked on properly answering these questions together as a class. We focused on using the question in our answer formulation.

Students were able to work independently or with on partner on the worksheets in class.


Inquiry into Language: We worked on our "Inside Out" journals. We reflected on situations and things that make us feel certain emotions. We took home our journals to continue to work on them or colour them in. 


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