Thursday, 30 January 2020

Thursday January 30th, 2020

Here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Language: We continued to practice our speeches! Tomorrow is the big day of our in-class competition.

Inquiry into Math: We started the lesson with a review of what is a numerator and denominator. We started off by playing a fractions task card game, this got us thinking about fractions and how to represent them.

Our focus of the lesson was about Fractions Benchmarks! We used number lines to help us understand fractions and if the are closer to 0, 1/2 or 1. The number lines were benchmarks to figure out how big the fraction is. Everyone had so much fun writing fractions using the number line. We really understood this concept well! Great job Grade 3s!

When they finished their work, we played fraction board games!


UOI: Today we explored changing direction, speed and shape of an object. We spent some time manipulating the objects to see what we can change the shape, speed or direction of them. We shared our ideas that we came up with in our table groups from manipulating the materials. We took a closer look at the toy car and how the speed changes. We discussed how pull it back before releasing the car build momentum. Together we completed a worksheet that pulled together all of our ideas on how we change the shape of the clay. We drew about how the clay changes shape, how the car changes speed and how the car changes direction.

French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.


Gym: Please check Ms. Vasconcelos' blog for more detail.

Here the link to their dance routine they are practicing:


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