Thursday, 9 January 2020

Thursday January 9th, 2020

Here is what we did today:

UOI: Ms. McMillian was absent so Ms. Bancud taught UOI today! We learned about the difference between a need versus a want within a community. They worked with their table groups to organize a list of things as either a need or a want. Then they had to put them in order from most important to least important items. This sparked some debates within the groups!

Inquiry into Language: Today we learned about the different parts of a narrative. We discussed what the terms setting, characters and plot mean. Then we read a book and completed a chart that is similar to the graphic organizer in our Oral Competition package.


Inquiry into Math: Today we explored units of time! The students had to place themselves in order of least to greatest unit of time without talking. They had to work together to make sure they were correct!! So proud of their great team work. As a class, we figured out what those units of time words meant and how to compare them. We did some questions together and then the students independently did some questions in their workbooks and a worksheet.

French: Please see Mme. Rawan's blog for more detail.


Daily Five: We used this period to catch up on work and to work on our DRAs.


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