Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Wednesday September 20th, 2017

Math:. Today we continued to talk about equations involving subtraction. Next, we did some examples together involving two math problems on either side. It is important that children are showing their work underneath the question. We spoke about our subtraction “Rule of Thumb.” We did some examples together involving two math problems on either side. It is important that children are showing their work underneath the question. 

I provided each student with a hundred chart and a subtraction equation hint sheet to glue into their math notebooks. The hint sheet has a step by step guide on how to solve a subtraction equation and how to see if both sides of a subtraction question is equal.

Here are the steps that I gave them to complete their homework tonight.
The hundreds chart helps a lot. Please use them if you are having trouble. Please make sure you return your math journal tomorrow so we can use the hundreds chart again.

Steps to filling in a blank in a subtraction question:
1.    What are the answers to each side? Write them down underneath
2.    Remember our rules of thumb
a.    If you have a little number and the answer you ADD!
b.    If you have a big number and the answer you SUBTRACT!
3.    Rearrange the question if you have to on the side of your page
4.    Rewrite the equation with the final answer

13 -  ______= 15 – 7
If you are trying to figure out two questions are equal:

1.    What are the answers to each side? Write them down underneath
2.    Are they equal? If they are not write “They are not equal”
3.    What number should you make it equal to? Decide which side.
4.    Determine what the equation needs to be in order to make it equal
a.    One side needs to stay the same
b.    The other side cannot change completely, change on number in order to make the equation equal
c.     If they are having trouble, rewrite the question using our rules of thumb

 13 - 5   and 15 – 4
                   8                  11
They are not equal.
  13 -  5 = 15 – 7

Remember to ALWAYS rewrite the final answer in an equation!!

We worked on worksheets together in class. Whatever questions from the worksheets that were not completed in class, were assigned for homework.

Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.

UOI/Language: Today we reviewed the acronyms OREO. Opinion, reason, evidence and opinion. The reason and evidence are repeated three times for three reasons (opinion 1. reason, evidence 2. reason, evidence 3. reason, evidence and restate the opinion). We spoke about the difference between a weak and a strong argument. As a class, we competed an OREO about school uniforms ensuring all of our reasons were different and were supported by strong examples. We began writing a rough copy of an OREO for the topic of should students have homework. The students had to check in with me to ensure that we were providing strong reasons with examples that supported them. If anyone did not complete it, it was assigned for homework.


Daily Five: Students were given this time to read either independently or with a friend, complete either their math worksheet or their Oreo rough copy.

UOI: We reviewed our success criteria for our advertisement. Each student began creating their rough copies. They had to label their rough copies with each part of the success criteria to show me and get approval for their good copy. Whoever did not complete the rough copy had it assigned for homework. The success criteria is:
  1. 2-3 ad techniques (no more than 4)
  2. Purpose of the ad is stated
  3. Company name
  4. Logo
  5. Slogan


French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

For Homework:
Read for 25 minutes! Please complete the reading logs
Math: Subtraction Equations Worksheet
Spelling Workbook Lesson 2 Due TOMORROW
Spelling Test Friday
Language: Complete Rough Copy of the OREO Worksheet
Rough Copy of Advertisement Due

Please check the front of your child’s agenda for 3 newsletters!
Book orders are due by September 27th, 2017
We are collecting Toonies for Terry Fox! We’ve raised over $30 so far!
October Lunch Orders are due on September 26th, 2017
Please return the last page of the student handbook! If you need a copy please let me know!

Have a great day!

Miss. Chiappetta

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