Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Wednesday October 18th, 2017

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Agendas/Morning Meeting

Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.

Language: Today we learned about the difference between common and proper nouns. We completed a worksheet and played a tic-tac-toe noun game. Once they were done playing the game the students were given class time to work on their summaries. Anyone who did not complete it during class time does have the summary for homework.


Daily Five: Students were given this time to either complete their summary or work on their UOI summatives.

Math:. Today we learned about subtraction on 3 digit numbers! We did many examples on the board about borrowing numbers from our neighbor columns.

For example:


Subtract the ones:

Work for 834-159...  Subtracting the ones
Next, we do the tens stripe...  Remember that the 3 is crossed out, so ignore it!  We can't do 2-5, so we'll need to borrow from the hundreds stripe!
Work for 834-159...  Take a chunk of hundred off the 8... Put it with the 2 in the hundreds stripe... 10+2=12
Now, we can subtract the tens stripe... and the hundreds stripe:
Work for 834-159... Subtracting the tens
Work for 834-159...  Subtracting the hundreds

So, 834-159=675

Don't worry if your head is swimming on these problems...  That's normal!  Hey, there's a LOT going on here to get used to.  But, you WILL be able to get it.  The more you do, the easier they'll get!   

UOI: Worked on their summatives. Most of the class completed their good copies so they begun analyzing each others advertisements. We will continue tomorrow. Presentations are on Friday.

For Homework:
Read for 25 minutes or RAZ KIDS! Complete Reading Log
Math: Subtracting 3 Digit Numbers Worksheets
Summary if not complete Due Tomorrow
Spelling Lesson 6 Due Tomorrow


October 24th- Our Bake Sale (Please only bring in nut-free treats with an ingredients list on this set date!) 
October 28th- Aftercare Invoice Payment Due
Picture day October 26th return the form by the 25th

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