Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Happy Halloween or Harvest Day!

This morning during the announcements there was a costume contest that took place!

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more information.

Agendas/Morning Meeting

Gym: Please see Mr. Beresford's blog for more information.

Language: We looked at a spooky recipe and spoke about all the important part to writing one: the ingredients list, list of equipment and the steps. We also the importance of bossy verbs, transition words and adjectives in our writing. The students created their own spooking recipe!

Music: Please see Mr. Oliver’s blog for more details

Math:. Today we did some multiplication and arrays Halloween themed worksheets! Once the students were done their worksheets they had free time to read, work of writing, draw or play a game within the class. I brought in Jacks and taught the students how to play, they loved it!

We took some class pictures!


UOI: Each student was given a tiny brown paper bag with a piece of fabric, leather, paper, yarn, a dice and two marbles. With those materials they had to create a game or toy that children in the pioneer era could play with. Right away the students found this activity quite difficult because they wanted to use things like tape or a glue stick but quickly realized that back then they didn’t have those supplies. It was amazing to see them work with their teams to create solutions so they could make a fun game.

We had a lot of fun today! Especially at the Halloween Dance!

For Homework:
Read for 25 minutes or RAZ KIDS! Complete Reading Log
Spelling Lesson 8 Due Thursday
Spelling Test Friday


Field Trip- November 2nd

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