Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Wednesday October 31st, 2018


Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.

Inquiry into Math: We started the lesson with taking up some of the homework from yesterday. We reviewed what key words tell us estimate and which ones tell us to solve. We estimate when we see the words: about, approximately and estimate. We solve when we see the words: multiply, solve and exact.

Then we learned how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Here are the steps:
 We will use the multiplication fact of 24 x 3
Step 1: Look at the 2-digit number. Break them apart from the tens and ones. Example: 24 would be 20 and 4.
Step 2: Multiply the tens with the other factor. Example: 20 x 3 = 60
Step 3: Multiply the ones with the other factor. Example: 4 x 3 = 12
Step 4: Add the products together to get your final answer. Example: 60 + 12 = 72
So, 24 x 3= 72

We did many examples on the board together and they did some of their homework in class.

Art: We did a fun art activity, we blew up balloons and decorated them! Everyone really loved decorating the balloons.


Halloween movie time!! We watched the Hotel Transylvania and ate theater made popcorn! Once the movie was done we had a little dance party.


House Game: ZETA won!!!!!!!!!! Ms. Smith and I also won best teacher costume!!! 


Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Tuesday October 30th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.

Inquiry into Language: We began our science fair project today! We wrote out or topic, purpose, hypothesis and list of materials. Here is a sneak peak of them exploring the materials before writing out their hypothesis.


Inquiry into Math: Students completed a basic multiplication facts quiz, then went on to reviewing how to round to the nearest ten. We also reviewed how to multiply numbers by a multiple of 10, 100 or 1000. With this practice, we went on to practicing estimating products in both multiplication facts and word problems. It's important that students show the number they rounded to to help them get their estimate.

UOI:We gathered with Ms. Foti's class to learn about static electricity. We watched a video that explained what static electricity is and how it's created. Here is a link to the video we watched:

Then we completed some fun experiments to see how we can create static electricity with everyday items. We got to see how this force does not need to come into contact with another object in order for a force to be present.

Students will have a UOI quiz on Monday. The quiz will involve definitions and matching. Students were given the review today to begin practising the definitions of words.


Extra work period: We took this time to work on our math homework and spelling homework.


Monday, 29 October 2018

Monday October 29th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Language: Today since French was cancelled the Grade 3s had extra time to work on their spelling workbooks, spelling sentences and cursive workbooks. Once they completed those tasks, we chose chapter books from my library and did 15 minutes of silent reading.

Music: Please see Mr. Flower's blog for more detail.

Inquiry into Math:We started our lesson with learning about how to use arrays to demonstrate our understanding of multiplication facts. We learned that an array displays an multiplication using rows and columns. The formula is: # of rows x # of columns = the total # of counters. We did many examples to example the importance of following the formula and how it could mean a completely different array if you place the numbers improperly.


Math Continued:We continued our lesson with learning some cool ways to multiply with the prior knowledge we have. We learned that we could use doubling when multiplying by 4. Here is the steps we followed to solve this:

We did a mini check in quiz to see if everyone understood the concept. Then we learned about known fact. We use known facts when multiplying by 6. Here are the steps we followed:

We once again did a mini check in quiz to see if everyone understood how to apply this method. Lastly we learned about facts with 5 and 2. We use facts with 5 and 2 when multiplying by 7. Here are the steps on the board:

We finished the lesson with another quick quiz check in to make sure everyone was able to demonstrate their understanding. Once they were complete, they could begin their homework.

UOI: Today we learned about muscular force! We discussed how our muscles pull when we exercise. Muscular force both pushes and pulls objects and ourselves. To practice, the students had to come up with 2-3 exercises that are examples of how our bodies use muscular force and explain how.


Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail. 


Tomorrow is CASUAL DAY
Spelling Lesson 8 Grade 3:

Spelling Lesson 8 Grade 4:  

Friday, 26 October 2018

Friday October 26th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.

Inquiry into Language: We completed our Lesson 7 spelling test. Once that was completed, we reviewed our success criteria for writing a letter and then completed our OWA post assessment. For the students who completed their OWA, they were able to do some silent reading.


Inquiry into Math: We started our lesson with our math quiz on multiplying by 9. We proceeded to learn about multiplying numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 and multiples of these numbers. 
When multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000 it's like saying you have 5 tens = 50, or 5 hundreds = 500, etc. You are multiplying your second factor by 1, then adding however many zeros you see in 10, 100 or 1000. When multiplying by multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 you have to multiply the other factor in your multiplication fact by the first digit of you multiple of these numbers (ex. 300 means you multiply the other factor by 3), then add however many zeros you see in the multiple of these numbers Ex. 200 x 8 = 2 x 8 = 16 then add the two zeros from 100 = 1600

UOI: We gathered with Ms. Foti's class to learn about Buoyancy today. We took up some examples of how to increase and decrease friction to ensure we all understand what this means. Then we individually predicted whether certain items will sink or float in a bucket of water in our chart. After having predicted, we watched a video that explained density and how this contributes to whether objects will sink or float in water. This helped explain the reasoning behind why some of the objects floated and some sank, along with which items are more dense/less dense than the water. 

Here is the video we watched:


Catch Up on work period: We continued to work on our math, silent reading and our buoyancy worksheet. 

- Math package
- Study your 6 and 7 multiplication tables 
- UOI Buoyancy Worksheet
- Read 25 minutes
(I forgot to hand out their spelling tests so that will be on Monday, my apologizes)

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Thursday October 25th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.

Music: Please see Mr. Flower's blog for more detail.

Inquiry into Language: For today's lesson, we took a look at the letters we wrote yesterday in class. As a class, we created success criteria for writing a letter about rules and routines. Using the success criteria we created we edited our letter first individually and then used the same checklist to peer edit our letters.


Inquiry into Math: Today we started with the day with our quiz on the multiples of 4s and 5s. We absolutely love this mini 10 minute drills! Our focus today was on fact with 0, 1 and 9. We learned that any factor multiplied by 0 the product will always be ZERO.  
 We learned that when multiplying 1s, the product will always be the other factor. (Kind of like 1 is a mirror)
We looked at some fun multiplication tricks when multiplying by 9. Here is a great video on how to do the hand trick I taught them:

Here is another trick I taught them:

Please practice these at home with the homework. They are also in the duotang.

UOI: We got together with Ms. Foti's class today to learn about Friction. We predicted some reasons as to why certain things happen, watched a video about friction, then completed an experiment. Our activity revolved around determining which material would cause more friction and therefore slow the car down more than the other materials. Students then recorded what they discovered.

Here is the link to the video we watched: 


Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail. 
