Monday, 15 October 2018

Monday October 15th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.

Since music was cancelled today we had some extra time to work on our summatives.

Inquiry into Language: We did our Lesson 5 Spelling Test. After that we worked on our spelling sentences and Lesson 6 in our workbooks.


UOI: We continued to work hard on our summatives.  

Math: Today we learned about Equations Involving Subtraction! We started the lesson with taking up some of the homework from Thursday. We reviewed the concept and compared it to subtraction facts. We noticed that the first term is the biggest number all the time. 

  Then we went over ways to solve missing terms. If the first term is missing, to solve it you need to add the difference and the second term together. This will give you the first term (the biggest number). 

If you are missing the second term, to solve it you need to subtract the first term and difference to get the second term.


Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail.  


Spelling Lesson 6 is a review of the past 5 lessons.

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