Monday, 29 October 2018

Monday October 29th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Language: Today since French was cancelled the Grade 3s had extra time to work on their spelling workbooks, spelling sentences and cursive workbooks. Once they completed those tasks, we chose chapter books from my library and did 15 minutes of silent reading.

Music: Please see Mr. Flower's blog for more detail.

Inquiry into Math:We started our lesson with learning about how to use arrays to demonstrate our understanding of multiplication facts. We learned that an array displays an multiplication using rows and columns. The formula is: # of rows x # of columns = the total # of counters. We did many examples to example the importance of following the formula and how it could mean a completely different array if you place the numbers improperly.


Math Continued:We continued our lesson with learning some cool ways to multiply with the prior knowledge we have. We learned that we could use doubling when multiplying by 4. Here is the steps we followed to solve this:

We did a mini check in quiz to see if everyone understood the concept. Then we learned about known fact. We use known facts when multiplying by 6. Here are the steps we followed:

We once again did a mini check in quiz to see if everyone understood how to apply this method. Lastly we learned about facts with 5 and 2. We use facts with 5 and 2 when multiplying by 7. Here are the steps on the board:

We finished the lesson with another quick quiz check in to make sure everyone was able to demonstrate their understanding. Once they were complete, they could begin their homework.

UOI: Today we learned about muscular force! We discussed how our muscles pull when we exercise. Muscular force both pushes and pulls objects and ourselves. To practice, the students had to come up with 2-3 exercises that are examples of how our bodies use muscular force and explain how.


Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail. 


Tomorrow is CASUAL DAY
Spelling Lesson 8 Grade 3:

Spelling Lesson 8 Grade 4:  

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