French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail.
Music: Please see Mr. Flower's blog for more detail.
Inquiry into Language: We began our lesson with a focus on what is a complete sentence. We reviewed when we use capital letters (at the beginning of a sentence, someone's name, a city, the day of the week and the month). Then, the students had an opportunity to work on their spelling sentences. We began this task today, the students have to take 5 of their list words and put it into sentences as practice. Once this was complete, then students were able to start Lesson 5 in their Spelling workbooks.
Math: We reviewed what it means to find a pattern rule and Number pattern. It's verify important that we understand the difference between a number pattern and a number rule.
Number patterns are the actual numbers that exist within a pattern (ex. 2, 5, 8, 11, 14)
Number rules are the rules that we use to continue the patterns--
what this number pattern increases or decreases by (ex. Start at 2.
Count on by 3.) We took up the homework from last week.
We began exploring the three different types of patterns and were
exposed to different scenarios with these. The three patterns we
reviewed are growing patterns, shrinking patterns and repeating patters. We learned that:
- Growing patterns GROW--- increase
- Shrinking patterns SHRINK--- decrease
- Repeating patterns REPEAT the CORE -- the part that repeats over and over again
We practiced identifying and continuing these partners as a class and independently.UOI: We continued to work on our summative tasks. Today we continued to work on our graphic organizers and worked extremely hard to make progress with these. As mentioned before these are only to be worked on in class. If students would like they can bring in pictures to use on their display boards/diagrams.
Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail.
-Spelling Sentences due Friday
-Spelling Workbook due Friday
-Spelling Test on Monday
-Read 25 mins
-Field Trip Friday
-Sign and return tests in agenda bag
Lesson 5 Grade 3:
Lesson 5 Grade 4:
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