Friday, 14 September 2018

Friday September 14th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail

Language:We continued our Novel Study! "The Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The students took turns reading the parts book and thoroughly enjoyed helping me read things out as I had no voice again today. We completed the comprehension worksheets together for the first few questions and then they had time to work on it independently to complete the Venn Diagram.


Math:. Today we learned about estimating sums. There was two ways that we focused on: Rounding and Front End Estimation. When rounding to estimate a sum: look at the place value of both numbers you are rounding. Are they the same place value? (Ex. adding two 3-digit numbers means you are rounding to the nearest 100) Then round both numbers and add them together to get your estimate. 

 IF the numbers you are rounding are not the same place value (Ex. A 2-digit plus a 3-digit number) then you round to the tens (the lower place value). 
 Front End Estimation:
 We loved this way of estimation! Look at the first digit of both numbers you are adding. Then you change the remaining digits to zero. 
Here is a video just in case you need further clarification:


UOI: We continued our lesson from yesterday. We worked in partners to complete the last 3 questions on the worksheet and practiced looking for key words.


-Reading Comprehension due Monday-- The book is assigned on Raz Kids and they are expected to complete the worksheet in the orange duo tang.
-Read for 25 minutes
-Math Worksheet: Estimating Sums (if not complete)
-Novel Study: Venn Diagram and Classifying Word Worksheet (if not complete)


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