Monday, 17 September 2018

Monday September 17th, 2018

Here is what we did today:

French: Please see Mme. Stella's blog for more detail

Music: Please see Mr. Flower's blog for more detail

Language:We continued our Novel Study! "The Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We discussed how Sundays in the past are different than Sundays in the present day. Throughout this chapter we learn about how there are consequences to your actions. We completed a Cause and effect worksheet to assist us with understanding what were the consequences to the characters actions.


Math:. Today we reviewed rounding to estimate and front end estimation. Then we explored "The Better Way" to Estimate! There are four steps to complete this method:

Step 1: Use Front End Estimation on your numbers

Ex.   234 + 595
        200 + 500 = 700

Step 2: Round the tens and then add them!

Ex. 234 + 595
       34--> 30
       95--> 100
100 + 30 = 130

Step 3: Add the two sums together!

Ex. 130 + 700 = 830

Step 4: Check your answer!

Ex. 234 + 595 = 829
So your estimate was reasonable because it wasn't too high and wasn't too low!
We did quite a few examples and definitely thought this was "the better way" to estimate!

We proceed to learn about Friendly Numbers. These numbers are multiples or 10, 100 and 1000. We did some examples together and then worked on two questions independently.

For Friendly Numbers, look at the numbers you have and which one is closer to a multiple of 100?
Ex. 213 + 472
213 minus 13 is 200
So 200 is our Friendly Number

Now add the Friendly Number to your other number.
Ex. 200 + 472 = 672

From that sum now add back what you subtracted (**Note if they did addition in the first step it would be subtraction in this step-- both would give you the same result!)
Ex. 672 + 13 = 685

UOI:  We started building our Pioneer Homes! Our log cabins are looking fantastic!


Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail.



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