Music: Please see Mr. Flower's blog for more detail
Language:We continued our Novel Study! "The Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The students took turns reading the parts book and will continue chapter 2 tomorrow.
Math:. Today we started our lesson with a review activity of what we learned about yesterday. In partners students had to identify what the number was based on the clues provided. Each group had to represent their number in two of the five ways we learned yesterday. They worked really well together and earned house points for the fantastic cooperation.
After the activity, the students learned about rounding to the nearest tens, hundreds and thousands using a number line and place value. We began by looking at what it means when we round to the nearest 10 by identifying the two tens our number falls between. (Ex. the number 37 falls between 30 and 40). We were able to use this strategy for rounding to the nearest 100 and 1000 as well.
We also looked at place value rounding. When rounding to the nearest ten underline the number in the tens column to remind us of the place value we are looking at. (Ex. 34 -- 34) Now look at the number in the ones column and ask yourself "I am rounding up or rounding down?" **Use the rounding roller coaster to help** Once that is determined then if you can round it! (Ex. 34 --> 30)
You can follow these steps for rounding to the nearest 100 and 1000. Remember that if a digit is infront of your underlined digit you do not need to change it! (Ex. Rounding to the nearest 100 with the number 2345 -- 2345 --> 2300) To help us with this each of us has the rounding roller coaster in our duo tangs.
It's very important that we read and remember what we are ROUNDING to. During class some of us forgot that we had to round to the nearest 10 and began rounding to the nearest 100. We need to ensure we read the instructions at the top of our page. Highlighting this helped us remember what we were rounding to.
UOI: Lastly we worked on reading an article about Clearing The Land together. As a class we took turns reading this article and worked with partners on the comprehension questions. We will continue tomorrow with looking for key words in the article to help us answer the comprehension questions.
Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin's blog for more detail. We did a fantastic job at changing today!
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